What’s New

The latest news, announcements and notices for Matachewan First Nation will be posted here.

Agnico Eagle Upper Beaver Update Links:

NOTIFICATION OF SITE ACTIVITIES – JULY 2024 – Upper Beaver Project – Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd.

Indian Boarding Homes Class Action

Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Poster

Please see the attached and information in the link below regarding the Indian Boarding Homes Class Action that may of interest to you or your families. Resources – Boarding Homes (boardinghomesclassaction.com)

2024 Pow Wow Update

MFN 2024 Pow Wow

Matachewan First Nation Powwow

Please share and hope to see you there!

MFN Pow Wow – Aug 24&25th, 2024

MFN Powwow save the date

Housing Intern Introduction and Information

Housing Intern Intro Letter

Hosing Newlsetter 2024-01-10

By Election for Chief voting Results

Statement of Votes_By Election_Matach_Dec 2023

Alamos Environmental Committee Youth

Updated Alamos Env Committee Youth flyer

2023 By-Election for Chief

The election day for Chief is coming soon, please be sure to have your ballots in the mail in time for December 16th.


To be placed in the return envelope:

Orange ballot for chief with only one person selected in sealed ballot envelope. Eraser marks and/or whiteout, as well as extra marks/writing on ballot [… read more]

Band Representative Posting

Band Representative Nov 2023